Through its already long existence, XClube crossed several phases and was subjected to many transformations and upgrades, including in terms of management – a normal evolution in any organization that extends itself in time. Following the start of the X project, on 2006, with ten couples, all swingers and connoisseurs of the swing scene (the X – or ten in the in Roman numbering – evokes those ten founder couples), first change in the management team happened one year passed – and from 2007 XClube was managed by a team of seven couples, and so it stayed until February 2013.

On 9th February 2013, due to the expected “wear and tear” that administrate a big structure like XClube unavoidably causes, one of its founders, together with four new partners (all members of XClube for several years, and totally identified with the swing scene and its features) decided to pursue with the XClube project, buying out the shares of the ancient founder couples.
Due to that, and because of this renovation, XClube enters again in an age of great and dynamic performance, once more captivating a big crowd of followers, that feel that XClube is much more than just a swinger’s club – considering it like its home away from home!
In 2018, the inexorable and unstoppable (and so many times sad…) facts of life dictated the premature physical disappearance of the founding partner that arose from XClube’s original management team to the new one, and the four remaining partners decided to embrace the project with even stronger intensity. And results are there for all to see!
The fact is, through all the years since its establishment, XClube acquired a very special and own mystique and transformed itself very fast into a milestone of the swing scene, in Portugal and abroad, being unanimously recognized as the main reference of its area in Portugal, and one of the biggest in Europe.
Undoubtedly, XClube is a club that welcomes couples of all ages, all social conditions and all ways of looking and living swing, and that from its foundation in 4th of February 2006 until today retains a great consistency and congruence in which concerns its rules of operation and functioning, never making concessions in this matter, whatever may be the arguments.
That is why XClube kept through all these years its motto, unique and unchangeable: a couples’ club for couples only! And also because of that, with its present four couple partners, XClube is transforming its long history into a true urban legend.
The premises
One clube, four areas, every way of well being and… plesauring!
XClube was originally devised, projected, and established a bit like a club on the South of France: Glamour, of Cap d’Agde. In fact, in 2006, when XClube was born, the biggest benchmark in terms of style and way of operating was the (still famous) French club, a choice that helps understanding why XClube is divided in several areas, each of them with its own characteristics and very specific functionalities.

Usually, after passing by the reception (where the identity of all members and visitors is safely checked), and by an extremely efficient and 100% safe cloakroom, accessing XClube is made through a lounge area, with an ambient of greater intimacy. Full of chairs, sofas and tables, this area also includes a small dancefloor; a poll where everyone can dance; a fully equipped DJ booth (allowing this area to offer its own music ambience); and a magnificent bar, full of a wide sort of drinks from the best brands, where our marvellous bartenders prepare the best cocktails.
Right next to the lounge, and with direct connection to it, it’s the playground area. It includes fourteen different spaces, each one with its own characteristics and minimalist décor, but all extremely functional. Ten of the room are lockable, the remaining four always offer free access – one is called the “dark room” (the name says it all…); the other is the “orgies room” (no additional explanation necessary…); there’s even the projection room, where the hottest movies can be seen; and a puzzling labyrinth, where (almost) anything can happen. Not forgetting the two corridors, one with the famous and inescapable gloryholes…

Adding to this structure, in this area may also be found all the items needed to reassure an absolute safety and hygiene: towels, flip-flops, sheets, wet wipes and germicidal. In the bathrooms that support this area of XClube, emphasis to the shower area, naturally of free access to all visitors of XClube.
Besides this more intimate and reserved area, XClube also includes in its premises a more social zone, every week the perfect stage for numerous moments of absolute madness. Inaugurated shortly after the club’s official opening, XClube’s “main room” has been receiving, since 9th February 2013, major and almost continuous improvements, being notorious the enormous investments made in the sound and light systems – to the extent that today XClube is on the top level in this particular in which concerns the Portuguese nightlife.

But the improvements didn’t stick to that. The décor has been also receiving the greatest care from the new XClube’s management. In one of the sides of the dancefloor is now an impressive stage with dozens of square feet, where take place not only the performances of the established artist invited to entertain the mythical XClube’s theme parties, but also of the club members when they desire to show their skills.
On the dancefloor can also be found two cages most wanted by the XClube members lovers of striptease and healthy teasing; on the centre of the dancefloor, in a place of absolute prominence, right in front of the DJ’s booth, a revolving poll no less than 13 feet high, the perfect place for those that rule the pole dance art, specialists, amateurs or just curious, show off their competences!
XClube’s main room mis served by a magnificent bar in all its length, also full of drinks onlu from the best brands. And with two poles as high as the room height, its branch transforms itself every night in a big stage where numerous insist on practicing the art of dancing and seduce, opposing to those that for the same purpose prefer the poll on the centre of the dancefloor or the iconic cages.
But a great dancefloor due equipped in terms of sound and light with be of little use without the due musical ambiance. That is why, throughout all its existence, XClube has made a point of maintaining an unchanging musical style – not in terms of the played music, but of concept and philosophy: always modern music, combining with XClube’s own urban style, selected by a permanent and renowned DJ of undisputed credentials.
Another trademark of XClube has always been its theme parties. Indeed, since its opening, XClube already hosted lots of “mega parties”, that covered several themes and become and undisputed benchmark of the swing scene. Nowadays everyone knows that an XClube’s party implies something different, uppermost prepared and always capable of surprising full of imagination and where frequently all the limits of the theoretical possible are surpassed. At this point and in one simple sentence, at XClube tradition is still what it used to be… and this to jeep!

Clients’ presentation
Dress code
At XClube our members and our visitors are our top priority, and the well being of them all is a major and permanently evolving concern for us.
Respecting that, sometime ago, and following all the many improvements introduced in XClube’s facilities, new rules concerning dress code were adopted. Their main purpose: create an ambience more elegant, distinctive and plenty of glamour, worthy of a swing club of reference, with no prejudice for the fun, erotism and luxury that for long time are a tradition an in the long nights lived at XClube.
Considering that, XClube would like to remember the essential of those rules – after all, some of the few put in place in a club where almost all is allowed, and almost nothing is compulsory.
Specifically, arriving XClube, it will not be possible to grant access to the ladies that wear: a) trousers/jumpsuits/etc. b) sport shoes (sneakers, tennis shoes, flip flops, etc.). And to the gents thar wear: a) shorts b) tank tops c) flip flops
We are truly sure that fulfilling this simples request may only result in an even more evolving, refined and exquisite atmosphere.
Xclube’s operating rules
Who can access XClube?
Accessing XClube is exclusively reserved to liberal couples, and it may be visited by all couples that keep a regular and stable relationship (regardless of their race, religion, or age) and comply with XClube’s admission rules.
Who is admissible?
XClube is a 100% private club. This meaning its location and accessing clearance will only be given to authorized couples that are part of the club’s Guest List and to al, new couples that fulfill the admission rules to access the club and, for that, have been previously approved by XClube management team.
Is XClube a private club?
XClube is a 100% private club. This meaning its location and accessing clearance will only be given to authorized couples that are part of the club’s Guest List and to al, new couples that fulfill the admission rules to access the club and, for that, have been previously approved by XClube management team.
How does the Guest List works?
Being part of XClube’s Guest List implies a few prerequisites, including completing a registration form in which must be all the personal data that identify each couple’s member (an identification document must be presented to confirm them). This data will be used EXCLUSIVELY BY XCLUBE and will not in any circumstance be given to third parties. The given data filled in the registration form will be computer processed by XClube, accordingly to XClube’s rules of confidential information treatment and all applicable laws.
Am I forced to anything?
Visiting XClube does not imply absolutely nothing regarding thw swing practice in none of its strands. Everyone is free to say no – NO has its own value and doesn’t need to be justified whatsoever.
May I use digital equipment?
Photo cameras or any other means of image capturing are not allowed in XClube’s premises, except by members of the management, of by them properly authorized, and only for the proposes of promoting XClube but being always guaranteed the anonymity of the visitors.
Can my admission be revoked?
XClube is a club of all and for all, intended to be of leisure and sane conviviality. Due to that, and less proper behavior in the premises, and violate the club rules, not only won’t be accepted but also will result on the interdiction of access of the participant couples on those episodes.
May I use narcotics?
Narcotics consumption is absolutely forbidden at XClube’s premises and violating this rule will result in the immediate and permanent expel of the transgressors.
How may I enter the playroom and reserved areas?
Everyone that enters the playroom and reserved areas always should do it as a couple and shall not bring glasses with them – particularly glass cup that may compromise everyone’s safety.
Existem mais coisas que deva saber ?
All visitor of XClube must always have in mind these rules and that the club is a space shared by all.
All that may be not covered by this operation rules will be evaluated case by case by XClube’s management team.
First visit: how to access?
All new couples that intend to attend XClube, and that for their first visit come with a couple that is already a member, this will be, for safety, confidentiality, and privacy reasons, responsible by the authenticity and behavior of that new couple.
Those couples that intend to attend XClube, and do not have the chance to have a couple that is already a member to bring them to the club in that first visit, must fill in completely the submission form available in this web site (link “Register” can be found in the top right corner of every page). The given data will be evaluated by XClube’s management team, that as soon as possible will directly contact the proponents in order to make the due arrangements for their visit to the club. The given data filled in the registration form will be computer processed by XClube, accordingly to XClube’s rules of confidential information treatment and all applicable laws.